Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Time A Gift

I have so much I want to do with these posts, but where to find the time between working overtime and all the other things that go on in life. So here are some questions to think about...

Are you taking time enough in your day to do the things that fill you up?

Are you spending to much time doing things that drain you? Around people that drain you?

Are the top priorities in your life the things that you are spending the most time doing?

Time is a gift that you spend and once its gone you can't get it back, it's turn into a memory. Spend it wisely and watch your investment pay off.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sons "A New Look At Yourself"

I recently went through a dramatic change in my thinking and I would like to inspire you\share a revelation with you that I know will change your life if you let God into your heart and spirit, and let down your defenses for a while, this will change how you think, feel, and believe things about yourself and who God created you to be.

I believe that the Bible is the True Word of God and the most true and accurate thing in the whole World. I believe that it means what is says and is a guide for our spirits and minds to get closer to God through reading it and meditating on it. I Believe the only way to get to heaven is through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

With that note, I would like to write out some of what has changed who I believe I am, and encourage you to see who you are....

You Are a Son, No matter what your gender, heritage, or whether you feel like one or not, you are. You are a Son of God, not the flesh part of you, but the spirit part of you is a Son. God bought you with a price... Jesus' Blood and now when God looks at you He sees Jesus. We are new creations (2Corinthians 5:17) not the same as we were. We are seated with Christ in Heavenly places (Eph 2:6).

I know what your thinking, "well I am still here on earth. I feel like the same person and I don't see heaven around me," That is where Faith comes in...Let me expand on that. When you accepted Christ as your saviour, that was through Faith and you became a new creation in Christ, different than Adam (the first man). Not that Adam was a mistake, God walked with man in the Garden, but Adam was a part of the plan, Then the Law came (10 commandments), but man never lived up to the Law it only made them realize how much they fell short of God's standards, then Came Jesus the fulfillment of the Law (He was without sin), He took our place (a lot of this is found in Romans chpts 2-8) and conquered Death, Hell, and the Devil. Jesus is our only mediator between us and God. Otherwise we would be judged by the law and we all fall short. Jesus is our new life, he gave it to us as a free gift. We are now hidden in Christ, the life we now live is Christ's life. The bible says that we are the temples of the Holy Spirit. We carry Him wherever we go.

I have heard these things a lot, my whole life, but it is REAL! The bible is true all the things that sound like..."no way is that possible" is true. Like my life now being Christ's. I gave it over to Him when I accepted Him. God is so Good!

This is my first post\blogg I am excited to write more down and expound on these ideas.